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zsh completion: httpx --completions zsh

Shell Completion

Request/data pipeline

You can use request/data pipeline in your shell script code.

request from pipeline

Read request from stdin: echo "GET" | httpx You can integrate httpx with your editor plugin by this way.

request body from pipeline

You can overwrite request body from pipeline. For example:

### inspection http post
# @name post
Content-Type: application/json

[ 1 ]

Then set request body from pipeline with echo '[2]' | httpx post or httpx post < ./demo.json .

request body overwrite from data option

--data or -d option is used to read body data from text, file and http URL, and it is same with curl.

  • Read text: --data hello or --data=[1,2]
  • Read file: --data @/path/to/file or --data ./demo.json
  • Read from HTTP URL: --data

default target to run

You can set default target to run by --t option.

#!/usr/bin/env httpx --t myip --httpfile

### get my internet ip
# @name myip

Generate http file OpenAPI

You can generate http file from OpenAPI json file by OpenAPI Generator

$ openapi-generator-cli generate -i http://localhost:8080/v3/api-docs -g jetbrains-http-client -o openapi-testing