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Spring 6.0 HTTP Interface is a very important feature of Spring 6.0. You don't need to use WebClient to do HTTP requests, but instead adjust to Interface + Annotation style, example code is as follows:

public interface HttpBinClient {
MyIp myIp();

PostResponse post(@RequestBody String body);

record MyIp(String origin) {

record PostResponse(String url, Map<String, String> headers, String data) {

Now you can use HTTP interface with httpfile, just like this:

public interface HttpBinClient {
MyIp myIp();

Mono<PostResponse> post(@RequestBody String body);

record MyIp(String origin) {

record PostResponse(String url, Map<String, String> headers, String data) {


  • No need to introduce lots of HTTP annotations: @RequestHeader, @RequestBody, @PathVariable
  • Reuse existing http file, and http file is easy for test
  • GraphQL over HTTP support too
  • Misc: yes, you can use #@mock to introduce mock for request

Spring HTTP Interface with GraphQL

Create GraphQL over HTTP request in http file, code as follows:

### graphql test
#@name graphqlTest
GRAPHQL https://localhost:8787/graphql

query {
welcome(name : "{{nick}}" )

Declare API and GraphqlResponse record in HTTP interface, code as follows:

public interface HttpBinService {

GraphqlResponse graphqlTest(String nick);

record GraphqlResponse(Map<String, Object> data, Map<String, Object> extensions, List<Object> errors) {

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